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What disability support services are available in Australia?

Discover the Range of Disability Support Services in Australia

Did you know, in Australia, about 1 in 5 people are living with a disability? That's about 3.96 million people, nation-wide. As of October 2022, over 550,000 Australians living with a disability are receiving support from the NDIS, National Disability Insurance Scheme.

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National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

One of Australia's most significant reforms in disability support is the NDIS. Launched in 2013, the NDIS provides personalized support to eligible individuals with permanent and significant disabilities. Through this scheme, participants receive funding to access a wide range of disability services, including assistive technology, therapy, personal care, and social participation support. The NDIS empowers individuals to make choices and control their own lives while promoting inclusion and independence. The NDIS is Australia's largest community connection for provision of disability specific support services. All of the services we provide at SMART care are claimable under NDIS.

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Disability Employment Services (DES)

Australia recognizes the importance of meaningful employment for individuals with disabilities. The Disability Employment Services (DES) program assists job seekers in finding and maintaining employment. DES providers offer tailored support services, job coaching, training, and workplace modifications to ensure that people with disabilities have equal access to employment opportunities. This initiative fosters inclusivity, empowers individuals, and contributes to a more diverse and vibrant workforce. DES specifically supports people living with a disability to find and maintain employment within their communities. We are proud to work with APM Employment Services to help find our participants meaningful employment, and support them in their transitioning pathways.

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Supported Accommodation

For individuals who require assistance with daily living activities, supported accommodation options are available. These services provide safe and accessible housing, along with personalised support, to enhance independence and community integration. Supported accommodation can range from group homes to independent living arrangements, depending on an individual's preferences and needs. NDIS cover a range of home and living supports including; Supported Independent Living (SIL), Specialist Disability Accomodation (SDA), Individualised Living Options (ILO), as well as funding specific assistive technology and home modifications to help participants to live more independently in their own homes.

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Therapy and Allied Health Services

Access to quality therapy and allied health services plays a crucial role in supporting individuals with disabilities. Australia offers a range of therapies, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology, and psychology, to address various aspects of physical, cognitive, and emotional well-being. These services focus on maximising an individual's functional abilities, promoting communication skills, and enhancing overall quality of life.

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Respite Care

Caring for a loved one with a disability can be demanding, both physically and emotionally. Recognising the importance of respite, Australia provides respite care services to offer temporary relief and support for families and carers. Whether it's in-home respite or short-term accommodation, these services give carers an opportunity to take a break, recharge, and maintain their well-being. Carers Gateway is a great national initiative also providing support to carers; friends and family who care for a person living with a disability.

Australia is committed to ensuring that individuals with disabilities have access to comprehensive support services that empower them to live fulfilling lives. From the NDIS, which offers personalized funding, to employment services, therapy, supported accommodation, and respite care, there are numerous avenues to cater to diverse needs. By embracing inclusivity and providing tailored support, Australia continues to make remarkable strides in enhancing the lives of people with disabilities.

Remember, each individual's journey is unique, and finding the right support is crucial. If you or someone you know could benefit from these services, reach out today and explore the options available to you. Together, we can create a society that values and supports the inclusion and well-being of all its members.

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